

Caroene Santos Murray

Yellow September is an Awareness campaign on suicide prevention, with the direct objective of alerting the population about the reality of suicide and its forms of prevention.

The yellow of 'Yellow September' serves as an Alert. It mainly serves to say that it is possible to prevent: perceiving the pain of the other, listening more and listening to others, giving space to talk openly about the prevention and consequences of suicide, or do you believe that it is just someone else's problem?

We need to talk about this subject that is still surrounded by taboos but that surrounds us as a subject of paramount importance. Dealing with the matter is fighting for the most precious asset we have: LIFE.

As much as at times it becomes quite complicated, it is the only part of our existence that we are absolutely sure we will be a part of; what we will be and for that, we must integrate, surrender, live it with its conflicts and restrictions.

Talking openly about the topic, identifying signs of risk and knowing how to offer help are the best ways to face the problem and prevent suicide. It is no wonder that there is the phrase: 'Knowledge is power' - having knowledge of how to act, perceive truths and myths, disclose and welcome people and their demands can make a difference in someone's life.

Often, dialogue even takes place. However, whoever hears a person say that they no longer have the will to live and that, many times, they want to take their own life, may end up not paying due attention to this very serious and sad speech. But loving LISTENING is fundamental.

*Check out some of the symptoms that should be monitored and taken seriously:

-Persistent sadness;

-posts related to suicide or deep depression on social networks;

-loss of interest in activities that were previously pleasurable;


-lack of energy;
-change in sleep;
-changes in appetite;
-crying for no apparent reason;
-ideas of death or disappearing forever;
-pain and feeling of worthlessness…

If you found yourself like this in any of these contexts or in general, seek help.

If you know someone who goes through this, listen, welcome in the first instance and then with calm and empathy guide them to seek qualified help.

Talking is the best solution and we, psychologists and mental health professionals are prepared to listen carefully, perceive, receive with open arms and welcome diverse subjectivities that face pain and anguish in moments of their existence .

Don't be alone, together we are stronger

Every day is a day to fight for life, we can't let Suicide be the subject only for September for marketing and commercialization reasons.

Mental health is an everyday topic in all contexts and places. Mental health and population mental illness should be a daily agenda.

Mental health does not only affect individuals and specific niches, the sufferings are collective, they are institutional and political in a society.

A society that doesn't give a damn for its individuals to float through it is a flawed society where these real-life characters will get sick in a variety of ways.

Inequality, calamities, lack of infrastructure, lack of housing, security, education, lack of food on the table or lack of wages and jobs for survival lead society to illness by the table.

Depression has no social class, but the economic crisis, unemployment, hunger, the loss of family and friends, the mourning of violence and fears, all this certainly enhances human suffering.

Mental health requires collective treatment, prevention in groups and by peers, we need multiple and effective public policies, socioeconomic measures to promote dignity and public health, and realize these issues always go hand in hand.


Caroene Santos Murray
Clinical Psychologist - Children and adults
Perinatal and Parental Psychologist

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